Rabu, 14 Mei 2008



1.What is a cellar technician? What does he do?
A Cellar technician is a job in the bar and ceilars of lincensed premise,installing and maintaining the equipment that dispenses the beer.
2.What requirements are necessary to become a cellar technician?
To be technically minded and good with hand and power tools
3. Why is embalmers said to be the most secure job?
Because embalmers not pay the taxes
4.Who needs the service of an embalmer?
A Deceased person
5.Why is important for an embalmer to have a strong stomach?
Because this is precise surgical work

1.I saw beautiful community garden today. Many people worked together and made one large garden.
Kebun bersama
2.People can grow many things in a garden. Some people grows vegetables, other people grow flowers.
3.There are many apartement buildings and houses on may street, but one area doesn’t have any building on it.It’s an Empty lot. There’s nothing there.
Tanah kosong
4.Many people in my neighborhood enjoy their gardens. They put many things in their garden. They plant vegetablesa and flowers
5.sometimes people throw paper, empty soda cans and other garbage on the ground. It’s better to put it in a garbage can
Tempat Sampah

Match The word
1. Community Garden = A garden many people grow together
2. Empty lot = An area with no buildings on it
3. Get together = Meet with people
4. Grow Up = Become an Adult; get older
5. Hang Around = Stay in one place not doing anythings
6. Roof Garden = Agarden on top of building
7. Urban Greening = Putting green areas in a city parks and gardens
8. Relax = Not work, have free time to rest
CHange these words in brackets in each sentence into simple past tense
1. The ministe of transportation (launch) a new ship last month = launch
2. Steven spielberg ( direct ) the movie of the year, Jurasssic Park in 1991 = Directed
3. The Champion boxer ( leave ) Tokyo this morning = leaved
4. World famous tenor Pavarotti ( cancel ) his Asian tour = Cancel
5. She ( write ) many novels when she was younger = Wrote
6. The pop singer ( wear ) several costumes for her performance = Wear
7. Many reporters ( interview ) the Kalpataru Winners = Interview
8. The two President ( meet ) at the Camp David USA, last Tuesday = Met

1. Today I joined a heatlth club. Now I am a member so I can go there to exercise or play sport
A Person who belongs to a group
2. I bought a new coat, but it’s the wrong size. Today , I am going back to the store to exchange it for another one.
Trade something for something else
3. The School provides breakfast for it’s student; they eat there every morning.
Gives something for someone
3. A chek isn’t the same as case. It just represents the money that you pay
A sign for something
5. She earns a big salary. She earn $250,000 a year
Gets money by working

1. I like to spend money. I like to buy a lot of things
Pay money for things
2. My co-workers and I receive equal salaries. We both earn $45,000 a Year
The same
3. His work has been valuable to our business. He has helped our business grow
Useful or important
4. Reading and writing are important skills for student to have
Things you do well
Complete this story using comparactive adjektive on the list
I Have a sister and two brothers. My sister isnaini, is six years older than I am. She is the oldest child in my family. She is shorter than I am, but her skin is more beutiful than mine. She has long black hair and round face. My sister is a little chubby and has a mole on her left cheek. She has two sons and two daugther. The second child in may family is my brother Tafsir. He’s a year younger than my sister. He has thick and stiff black hair. His face is oval with rough jaw. His body is firm and muscular. My brother is married with two children; a boy and a girl. My brother Tafsir is a serious man, he seldom laughs, but he is very kind. He has most attractive look compared to his other siblings. My other brother is Arman. He is taller and slimmer tahn sis brother. He is the tallest in may family. Arman is also the funniest at home; he often makes us laugh to tears. He’s quick tempered and stubborn but very gentle to his nephews and nieces.
1. Why is it considered to be rude when you take a call in movie while the film is playing?
Because it is disturb others
2. What do you think about talking on the cell phone in a restaurant when you are having a friend with you?
It’s No problem,if it important call
3. Why do we have to ask for permission to enter a c-workers space or cubicle?
Because it’s a private room and we must ask permission
4. How do you define a “backstab” in office environment?
Avoid the gossip
5. What is your oponion about the therm of bad mouth to company? Give your reason why people should not do that.
It’s shame, because it can destroy the company

The Personnel Manager
Dear Sir,
Please allow me to apply for the position of custemer service which you have advertised in Suara Merdeka,March 1th 2008
It has become my job since two years ago. I have good knowledge and experince in this job.If you interested in my application,my present principal wiil be pleased to give you any information about my character.
I Would be pleased to attend for interview any time thai is convinient to you.
Your’s faithfully

Outline of Qualification
Date of Birth : 08 MAY ,1984
Address : Jl. Rengas I no 258, Banyumanik, Semarang
Education : Diploma Business Administration in STEKOM
Special Qualification : Fluent in English
I have skill operate computer
Referee : Andra Ramadhan
Directur PT. Repllubic Cinta
Answer the following Question
1. What position does Rita want to apply for ? Rita Wants to apply for a clerical Workers.
2. In What company does Rita want to apply ? British enterprises Ltd.
3. What is the name of the university where Rita studied ? what subject did she take ? It is The West London Comperhensive, She take English language, English literature , History, Art, Geograpy, Domestics Science.
4. Find the sentence in the application letter that shows the expression of applying for a job that distinguishes it from those in a personal letter? The employment officer at North Kensington has told me that you have vacancy for a clerical worker and I wish to apply for the post.

Fill in the blank with the words
Officer : Good Morning Miss Rita. Please sit down...I’m Mr.Surya. What can I do for you?
Rita : I’d like a get job in a office, but I have got any experience and I don’t know where to start looking
Officer : Would you like to work for a large company or small company ?
Rita : I’d like to work in a small company
Officer : Well then, Semarang Enterprises Limited are looking for some one who is a trainer clerical worker to join them as williing here is the address. I suggest you to write a letter of application and they will call you for interview
Rita` : Thank you, Mr Surya That’s very kind of you. I’ll write to them immediately.

Based on the reading above,answer the question
1. How is the landof Kedu plateau? Fertile lands, enclosed by mountains and range hill.
2. What does the top of menoreh range on the southern flank resemble? Resemble the nose, lips, and chin of supine figure.
3. According to the folk tale, who is Gunadharma? Gunadharma is the man reclining the top of Menoreh.
4. What kind of atmosphere can ve created in Borobudur and its environmnets? It’s peace, tranquility, and security.
5. What is Borobudur Precisely located? Borobudur precisely located in regency Magelang, Central Java.
6. How large is the area of the tourist park? It’s eighty_five hectares.
7. What does the park comprise? The park comprises a wide grassy, shade trees, and decorative plant, it also provides with general public facilities namely a parking a lot, souvenir shop, eating stands and rest room.
8. What trees are planted in the park? They are coconut, Bodhi, Cempaka, Tanjung.

Indicate if each statements is true ( T ) Or False ( F )
1. Borobudur Tourist park is to entertain the growing number of visitors and to preserve the natural environment of the temple = T
2. The park was formally dedicated to President Suharto on February 23, 1983 = T
3. The trees and flowers planted there include durian, coconut, apple, tulip, and jasmine = F
4. The museum consists of a research centre, on information centre, and a temple park office = T
5. Information and pictures of Borobudur can be obtained in the temple museum = T

1. What will happen if a reader skips over too many difficult words?
A reader will miss the point of the raeding
2. How can a reader get the meaning of so many difficult words when he is reading a text?
With a wide basic vocabulary so taht you can instanly recognize of the world you meet and keep moving the author’s thought.
3. How should a person learn words taht can enrich his or her vocabulary?
By Hearing, listening carefully and reading
4. Why is having a board raeding habit effective for lerning words?
Because we can find meet more words and add more vocabulary
5. Why is it necessary for a reader to know specific words when they read text of specific fields?
To know the point of the reading
6. What advantage does a person gain when he learns words in natural way,( not by memorizing)?
Concentrate on the words you need to know and Develop of better idea of shade of meaning and of which word is most appopriate in a particular sentence.
Focus On Grammar
1. Complete the following sentence with an appropriate preposition
1. This book belong to john.
2. We all went go a walk in the park.
3. We bought this car on August.
4. We plan trade it with a new one on the string.
5. We looked everywhere in the pen that john lost.
6. I make many mistakes in spelling.
7. She spends a lot of time in her english.
8. I must a write a letter for my aunt.
9. How much did with the pay for their new home?
10. The boat moved slowly in he coast.
2. Write on\ at \in
1. Goodbye! See you on Friday
2. Where were you at February 28?
3. I got up at 8 o’clock this morning.
4. I like getting up early in the morning.
5. My sister got a married in May.
6. Did you go out on Friday
7. Sue and I first met at 1991
8. Did you go to the beach in the summer.
9. Tom is’nt here inthe moment.
10. I will send you the money in the end of this month.
3. Put a\ an\ or the
1. I wrote to her book a letter never arrived.
2. Tahiti is an island
3. What is a name of this twon?
4. “What time is it?”, “i don’t know. I don’t have a watch.”
5. We live on house near or train station. It is two miles form a city.

Focus On Vocabulary
1. According to him the summary of this book isn’t relevan to the content of it.
2. She asked me whether there was any similarity in details between his contruction and mine.
3. The shopkeeper told his assistant to place an order to the supplier.
4. Please check the recipient of the clerk write the letter.
5. Does the man have a purpose for his nextgoing acorss the ocean?
6. What’s the content of the container?
7. Before writing a letter,yuo must consider the level of the initial to avoid misunderstanding.
8. The family has been living in the same block as we have for more than five years.

1. What do you know about operating system?
An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware.
2. Explain what should be accomplished to have an effective operating system.
3. Mention three components of a computer system?
• The hardware (memory,CPU,arithmetic-logic unit,various bulk storage,I/O,peripheral devices...)
• Systems programs (operating system,compilers,editors,utilities...)
• Application programs (database systems,business programs...)
4. What is the fundamental aim of a computer system?
To execute user programs and solve user problems.
5. What are the purposes of operating system?
1. To control the allocation and use of the computing system’s resources among the various users and tasks,and.
2. To provide an intervace between the computer hardware and the programmer that simplifies and makes feasible the creation,coding,debugging,and maintenance of application programs.

1. What is Internet?
tool that has great potensial in the language classroom,but its effectiveness in practice depends to a large extent on the way it is exploited.
2. What do you know about the Web?Explain in detail.
The Web is an enormously useful collection of information and materials,rather like a huge,sprawling library.
3. Is there anything to do between the Web and library?What is it?
Materials on the Web is not carefully organized and stored,and we will need to use one of the tools that have been designed to help us find what we want.
4. What is search engine for?
Ton help when we carry out a search.
5. To what extent is your knowledge about Internet?Describe it.
tool that has great potensial in the language classroom,but its effectiveness in practice depends to a large extent on the way it is exploited The internet is beginning to transform language learning.
Focus On Vocabulary
1. A:”My son wants to be a nurse! Men don’t usually work as nurses”
B:”You’re right.That isn’t a .................................for a man.”
2. A:”I’m not happy that he wants to be a nurse. I think he should be a doctor.”
B:”I disagree. I don’t sad that at all.”
3. A:”Jennifer does well in all of her classes. She got A’s in math and English!”
B:”Wow, she’s lucky, she bad so many things.”
4. A:”Do you have a good time with your brothes and sisters?”
B:”Yes, we all good very well.”
5. A:”I’ve been looking for work for a long time, but so far, no one wants to
give me a job.”
B:”Really? Perhaps my boss will...................you.”
6. A:”I was driving home last night and suddenly my car just stopped running”
B:”That happened last week, too. Your car...................ooften
7. A:”I work hard and I try to be a good person, so I can set a good example for my kids.”
B:”Good for you. Your kids are lucky to have a good................
8. A:”What do you really think about male nannies?
B:”Well,..........................I don’t think men should be nannies.”


Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the underlined words
1. College community Understands taht everyone who wants to attend college will not be able to come to campus = Komunitas Di Perkuliahan
2. So as part of the Distance Learning Program ,community College offers a series of video telecourses tomeet the needs of studenets who prefer to complete coursework in ther home at their convenience = Program Belajar Jarak Jauh
3. This Program airs from 6 o’clock in the morning to 7.30 = Dimulai
4. During the first week of clases, your instructor will contac you to discuss the course and answer any question you might have about the course requirements = Minggu Pertama.

Match these proverbs with couples.
• “Better untaught than ill taught”
It is better not to be taught at all than to be taught badly.”or”A little learning is a dangerous thing”
• “Don’t cross your bridges before you come to them”
Don’t worry about problems before they arrive.
• ”Soon Learn, Soon forgotten”
Something that easy ti learn is easy to forget.
• “It was the last straw tahat broke the canel’s back.”
There is a limit to everything. We can load the camel with lots of straw, but finally it will be too much and the camel’s back will break . And it is onlya single straw that breaks it’s back- the last straw. This can be appliyed to many thing in life.
• “Marry and haste, and repent at”
If we get married quickly, Without thinking carefully, we may be sorry latter. And we will have plenty of time to be sorry.
• “leisure”
Delecious meals for him. They fed his stomach and found love in his heart.
• “The way to a man heart is through his stomach”
Many women have won a man’s love by cooking.

E-mails and Blogs
1. What is E-mail?
E-mail is electronic message sent over the internet or network.
2. What are the advantages of using E-mail?
The advantage are communicate with a friends an another continent every minute, apply for job in a place so far away.
3. What do you know about www.Yahoo.com?
This is a website provide free E-mail service
4. What is Blog?
Blog is frequent, Chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links.
5. Have you ever send E-mail? Please tell us
Yes, I have
I ever send E-mail to communicate with my friends.
Focus on writing
1. I will send you E-mail if I am not forget
2. If I had not stayed up last nigth, I would watch a cinema.
3. I would apply for any job by E-mail if the job is so far a way.
4. We would have not left for Yogya a few times ago if I get job
5. The water will be boiled if..............
6. I would buy this notebook if I had much money
7. I f I had much money I will by a car
8. We Would have been couples if........
9. I will watch World Cup tonigth if I don’t go in the restaurant
10. If the power had not been out last nigth........

Graphic Design and Multimedia
1. What do you know about web Designer, Graphic Designer, web devoloper and web content editor?
Web Designer is the expert in the we designing, to be caaled oe you need to design website first and master ,HTML coding.
2. Whose responsebility is the most difficult and challanging based on your own thought? Give you own reason
The most difficult and challanging is Web development, because we creates the programs on the web and it’s difficult .
3. What does Deni Machmud of Zyrex Computer Suggest in order to be web master?
If you have relevant educational bacground, it can be a plus for you.
4. Who is Dian Ekasari and What does she utter?
Dian Ekasari who created patranusa.com
She utters show your creativity and talent, and don’t give up.
5. What are the advantages being a web master?
The advantages are We can express ourself through the site We make, We have more money if you proficient.aBottom of Form

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